Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 K Addiction

I realized I not published this post but still wanted to share.

Since it is January most people set goals for the year and so far I have only one for 2013. My goal is to complete a 5k race every month in 2013 and do a 12k in Vegas on Thanksgiving. I smile as I say this because I have become addicted to 5k races.

Last year I did a race in May for the first time in awhile.  I walked it and was very scared. However I met a lady named Robin that was my life saver. We started chatting before the race and she walked with me throughout the whole race. I am not sure if I would have made it without her. I will be forever grateful. You see I was scared and tired and hurting and emotional but I have learned that this is a good thing because after the race I felt such a jubilation and excitement that I completed a race. Plus I was so darn proud of myself.

Well I went back into the office the next Monday after that race and told my coworker about the race. She had done several before and knew what I was saying about my feelings. We immediately found a race that we both signed up for called Color Me Rad. Well long story short, the guys from Color Me Rad stopped by our office and gave us free goodies for the race. It was really cool because my coworker had contacted them on Facebook. Because of this I ended up signing up for a Color Me Rad race in Oklahoma July 14, 2012 and then in Virginia July 21, 2012. I did the race with coworkers in Oklahoma and my brothers in Virginia. Boy were they different races. If you have ever been to Oklahoma in July, you know that it can be very hot and it was the day of the race. I really did not think I would finish it and I am grateful to my coworker because she hung right with me through every stop that I made saying I cannot finish. It was truly stressful for her and I felt bad that she probably did not enjoy the fun of this race. Check out the fun of this race in this picture.

However when I did it with my brothers in Virginia, the race was very different. Weather was better. Race organization was better. Plus I loved being with my brothers. I see them rarely.

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